суббота, 18 октября 2008 г.

ashton club golf lake

she keeps them, potential:

��������������������on a library shelf of what
������������������� the inside of a heart
������������������� should look like. ���������������

(on a good day, when emotions

��� ��� ��� ��� ��� can be ordered into genre next
��� ��� ��� ��� ���� to ven-tric-les, and action is action
�������������������� is action-adventure.)

trapped and boxed in the indigo-violet part of

�������������� ��� �� the rainbow until someone presses
��������������������� play
and they become, undeniably
��������������������� kinetic:

eyes like dead light, those old stars in slow-mo

��������������� ����� or fast-forward, still assuredly same
��������������������� and safe, routine like sky-blue,
��������������������� grass-green.

or, say, nine to five slog or tick-tock-tick-tock.

��������������������� skip
��������������������� or pause.
��������������������� (if the camera, like they say
all voodoo-logic like pins in your eyes,

��������������������� does steal, what they call, your soul,
��������������������� wonrsquo;t they be glad.
����������������������or tired.)

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пятница, 17 октября 2008 г.


I just finished watching Batman Begins, pirated (arr) from Limewire. Apparently there were some scenes missing near the beginning (mostly in the "catch the fly in your chopsticks, grasshopper" bit), but I got the gist of it nevertheless and Caleb kept me current on what I missed. Iapos;ll keep it spoilerless, except in a very general sense.

Is this story canon-faithful? Iapos;m curious. I mean I know Batmanapos;s been retconned a thousand times, but considering the complexity of the Dark Knight to begin with, I expected more from the chronicle of his origins. And different things. Which is not exactly a criticism; for an action flick it was fine, I guess. I got bored about 2/3 of the way into it and wandered off to work on LC while it played in the background, but thatapos;s personal taste. The F/X were splendid and some of the pre-mugging backstory was pretty cool. There were some nice continuities of theme and about the usual mix of funny dialogue and cheese. It was neat to see some of the established later characters popping up as younger ones.

What I expected, and what Iapos;m now half-tempted to write as a fic, was more in the line of character study (ironic given my demand for a plot in the earlier post, I know. I wanted plot too, just, character study within plot). The movie is too pat for my tastes in terms of the large overall major plot. Too many conveniences. I wanted...well, to be honest, I wanted something more like what I did for Lupin in Sweet Home. Varied experiences, varied ways of learning, varied things that contributed to make him what he is above and beyond the central trauma of his early life. I wanted to see him struggle with the decisions he was making.

I suppose itapos;s natural for a young man to plunge headlong without thinking about it too much, but if youapos;re going to make him all emo, you might as well make him interestingly emo. All the trauma in this movie is just revamped from scenes weapos;ve already had in the other Batman movies. I wanted something new.

Okay, Iapos;m done now. Fling the batarangs.
deobfuscate, deobandism, deobandis, deobandies.